Monday, 15 September 2008

Guiness and it's valuable assistance in not caring ...

Met with the chaps this Saturday to take in United vs Liverpool. A game which recent history has shown United like to play badly in and yet still take home the 3 points. The only difference rented in this match was we played badly and got soundly beat. We also conjured up a substitution of immense bafflement - Giggs for Carrick meaning our midfield was a mish mash of pic 'n' mix with nobody seeming to know exactly what they were meant to be doing. So we were outmuscled, and out played - it happens. Our defence also contributed to both their goals- which was nice of them. For some reason we placed Rooney on the right wing - just after he'd enjoyed great England success playing off a big man upfront. Still, welcome to United Berbatov. You're gonna have to work harder than you've ever had.....

This match had been accompanied by my great friend Guiness. It made Sunday a very lazy day indeed bit there we go. The weather was late summer/ early autumn balmy and the garden was there to be enjoyed. As a postscript, just how hard is it to find a good sporting venue to watch matches in? The sports bar is now more like a restaurant and there is a definite reluctance on behlaf of pubs to show early matches........bah.

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